Those here, are few drawings I didn't include (or just partly) in the final collages. Actually it's good to see them again on their own...
These here are from Dublin: And here some impressions from my Berlin tour last October, again those I didn't include into the Brainbelt stuff: I quite like particulary this one, maybe because it's the most 'empty' one?
Just recalling here, even if it's already 5 months ago, the illustrations I made for the Brainbelt exhibition last November.
Here Detail from "Cities&Fairies No. 4": "Cities&Fairies No. 3": "Cities&Fairies No. 5": "Cities&Fairies No. 1": and detail from "Cities&Fairies No. 2": Of course, not forgetting some impressions from the exhibition ;) Roll on next Brainbelt!
I know, it looks like I'm haunted, or at least having some weird dreams. Just those birds really fascinate me, maybe after while I will change to flamingos ;)
This is the latest one, still not sure, at what stage I will leave and call it 'finished':